
1336-BDB Dynamic Brake Module

The 1336-BDB Dynamic Brake Module is a reliable and essential component used to manage the braking energy in AC drives, especially during rapid deceleration of motors. This module enhances the safety and efficiency of drive systems by dissipating the energy generated during braking in a controlled manner, preventing damage to the system.

Features of 1336-BDB

  • Efficient Energy Dissipation: The 1336-BDB ensures that excess energy from the braking process is effectively dissipated, minimizing the risk of overheating and wear on the drive components.
  • Enhanced Motor Control: This dynamic brake module allows for smooth and rapid deceleration, providing precise control over motor operations, especially in high-speed or heavy-load applications.
  • Durability and Reliability: Built with robust materials, the 1336-BDB module is designed for long-lasting performance in demanding industrial environments.


The 1336-BDB Dynamic Brake Module is an integral part of AC drive systems, offering enhanced braking performance, efficiency, and safety. It is a dependable solution for industrial operations requiring controlled motor deceleration and energy management.